另一首很正的詩《An Irish Airman Foresees his Death》
下午忽然出現見工機會,還要是從未試過的 Phone Interview,如以往訪問企業 executives 般應付過去了,感覺還好,希望成事。
在Hostel看到National Library裡 W.B. Yeats 展覽的資料,就趁著天還沒黑,走路過去了。
然後就遇上了這首《What Then?》,呼,邊讀邊心悸。
What Then?
His chosen comrades thought at school
He must grow a famous man;
He thought the same and lived by rule,
All his twenties crammed with toil;
`What then?' sang Plato's ghost. `What then?'
Everything he wrote was read,
After certain years he won
Sufficient money for his need,
Friends that have been friends indeed;
`What then?' sang Plato's ghost. `What then?'
All his happier dreams came true -
A small old house, wife, daughter, son,
Grounds where plum and cabbage grew,
Poets and Wits about him drew;
`What then?' sang Plato's ghost. `What then?'
`The work is done,' grown old he thought,
`According to my boyish plan;
Let the fools rage, I swerved in naught,
Something to perfection brought';
But louder sang that ghost, `What then?'
想起了《Jack's Life》,為什麼Jack會選擇在那個平和、溫暖、家中滿是飯香的星期日黃昏死去。這就是答案。
P.S. 如果真的成事,那留在都柏林的這段時間,就讓我挑戰《尤里西斯》吧。
喜歡"What then"兩字湊合起來發出的鄙夷與悲涼的聲音。
The "what then" is like a curse...
蕭乾的中譯版...我想讀啊!但網上找不到,你有source嗎?可否copy & paste?
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