不得不承認,我應該是荷李活戲看太多了,要不,就是由細到大都對「鬼佬」這種人種建立了一種 stereotype,他們該是開放的,大膽的,直接而敢言的,因此,看到他們(盡管那個已是較有 feel 的祖迪羅)在《藍莓之夜》裡很王家衛地沉溺、寂寞、「典來典去」、自閉......說一些永恒地孤獨的對白,實在,還滿好笑的。
不過這種「錯配」(?)想來也是一個相當不錯的嘗試,《藍莓之夜》仍是非常的王家衛,對我來說,亦即是很香港。一點兒也不覺得那裡是紐約,由一個英國人開的一間小cafe,感覺只像在尖沙咀、或是旺角,街角那一家永遠都存在的小小快餐店,有一個叼著一根煙的梁朝偉,或是金城武,暗戀著一個只見過一面的女人。能夠把紐約、布宜諾斯艾利斯都拍得如同旺角,就是王家衛的強勁之處吧。唔~ 這回王家衛真的把「香港精神」「國際化」、揚威國際(也讓那些鬼佬體味一下沉溺自閉仔的香港滋味,哈哈哈)了。倒是,我們的政府,一方面鼓吹香港精神,一方面又把真正的「香港精神」拆得就拆,實在,他們都應該去看看《藍莓之夜》。
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
2008 begins with...
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort."
~ The very first paragraph of The Hobbit
Indeed, The Shire is a very cozy place to live in, nice weather, cheerful and simple neighbourhood, excellent scenery with plenty of trees and never-drying rivers, always peaceful, life is quiet and easy. Hobbits love to smoke pipes and drink beer in their abundant free time. And as with Bilbo Baggins, he's born in the respectable Baggins family, with more-than-enough fortune for a living, living in a hobbit-hole with 'panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats - the hobbit was fond of visitors.' And thus it's quite hard to imagine why Bilbo, would finally decided to go on an adventure with Gandalf and a group of Goblins, with it's primary mission: to fight a dragon. There were so many unknowns in the journey, and indeed he had met more than the most horrible 'unknown' imaginable: giant spiders, trolls, creepy creatures like Smeagol, just to recall a few.
Maybe a life without adventure is too boring for Bilbo even though he's a hobbit satisfied with his peaceful life, last night, as I finally made my decision, I suddenly felt like Bilbo Baggins. The Hobbit
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