Sunday, June 26, 2005


如果說這兩年讀文化研究的最大收獲,一定不是那張沙紙(拎唔拎到都未知,v.v),而是認識了布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)這位哲學家。從借用他的「Consumer Society」與「Egoated Consumer」的理論分析Fight Club,從而認識他開始,到後來上Technoscience課,又聽過他提出的「The Gulf War never happen」,以及「越戰是從戰後一連串關於越戰的荷李活電影開始」等媒體理論。暫時來說,他是一個我最折服的學者(讀到好認同的地方時,真有看聖山、遁地鼠和The Wall那種毛管真?的「生理反應」=P),在普通的後現代與批判消費主義之外,他的厲害之處在於他開拓了一個更廣闊的理論平台,例如指出「消費主義」其實是現今的社會之下,運作及生序的脈絡,不能過份簡單地單獨抽出來批判,只會造成人格分裂(呢句我加ge),而且,他更能再退一步,指出:「The consumer’s “fixated egoism” is also the gross subconscious re-cognition of being the new exploited subject of modern times, despite all the non-sense about affluence and well-being. The fact that resistance and egoism by reinforcing constraints, only confirms that consumption is a gigantic political field, whose analysis, as well as that of production, is still to be achieved.」即是像《Fight Club》這類自省式,自覺成為消費主義的?牲者的電影的出現,正好證明了「消費」是現今社會一個「巨型的政治領域」,不能二元單一地單獨「抽佢出來打」(呢句都係我加ge,=P)。
今晚又讀到他對現代人對待動物的態度的批判,以現時的思緒,暫未能好好地用中文表達他的意思,都係quote原文好了:「Those who used to sacrifice animals did not take them for beasts. And even the Middle Ages, which condemned and punished them in due form, was in this way much closer to them than we are, we who are filled with horror at this practice. They held them to be guilty: which was a way of honoring them. We take them for nothing, and it is on this basis that we are "human" with them. We no longer sacrifice them, we no longer punish them, and we are proud of it, but it is simply that we have domesticated them, worse: that we have made of them a racially inferior world, no longer even worthy of our justice, but only of our affection and social charity, no longer worthy of punishment and of death, but only of experimentation and extermination like meat from the butchery.」現代人的虛偽,莫過於此。
最癲的,是他在文章末段加上一段:「One never escapes the reversion(Yahoo字典:回復、逆轉)that follows any kind of exclusion(排斥,排除在外)」「Because, if formerly the privilege of Man was founded on the monopoly of consciousness, today it is founded on the monopoly of the unconsciousness.」從相信理性與進步的現代主義,到推翻理性、進步的後現代主義,到頭來,都避不過「主義」這個詛咒,都不過是讓人類建立自己的優越感。這是我讀到的意思啦。人類的思想,到頭來都是在一個圓圈中,不斷轉呀轉,真是夠「輪迴」了。連呢句都講埋,不禁令我想起MOMO中的「對號入座」一場,最後來一個「包底」。無話可說。=P
Baudrillard on the Web
Baudrillard 經典研讀網站(台灣)

Monday, June 20, 2005

